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DigestRejuv - 3 grams - Call Office to Order - (313) 561-6800

DigestRejuv is one of the strongest HUMAN Probiotics made with you and your tummy in mind. The formula for DigestRejuv is SUPER STRONG, with 1 trillion CFU beneficial bacteria capability. This massive amount of beneficial bacteria - over 40 TIMES the amount found in other leading probiotics - is the same bacteria that is passed from a mother to her child through breast-feeding. When using Human Probiotic you can be sure that you are restoring your stomach to its natural balance without introducing animal bacteria, which is FOREIGN and LESS EFFECTIVE, into your stomach’s sensitive microbiome! DigestRejuv’s Human Probiotics helps to turn back the clock on your gut to your younger, healthier years to help with any stomach problems or digestive disorders.

Directions: Empty 1 Packet in water or juice or make into yogurt using incubator.  Yogurt can be incubated up to 24 hours. Take half of the yogurt and store for use and use the other half to make more yogurt. This can be repeated up to 7-10 days, after which all unused yogurt should be thrown out and a fresh batch should be started.

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